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OHS Consultation

The OH&S Act 2000 says that all employers:

  1. Must consult with employees to enable them to contribute to making decisions that affect their health safety and welfare at work.
  2. Must share relevant information about occupational health and safety and welfare with employees.
  3. Must give employees time and opportunity to express their views and to value and take those views into account when making decisions.

Consultation must be done:

  1. When risks to health and safety are assessed or reviewed and decisions made about how to control those risks.
  2. When introducing or altering procedures for monitoring those risks.
  3. When making decisions about the adequacy of welfare facilities for employees.
  4. When proposed changes to the premises, methods of work or the plant or substances used at work, will affect health, safety or welfare.
  5. When making decisions about procedures for consultation.

Consultation can be done:

  1. In a manner agreed upon by the employer and the employees, or
  2. Through the workplace OH&S Committee, or
  3. Using an OH&S Representative elected by the employees.
This is new and so some workplaces will have OH&S Reps and no OH&S Committee and other workplaces will have both.

The OHS Regulation 2001 says that:
  1. An employer must ensure that each member of the OHS Committee and each OHS Representative does the 4 day Work Cover Course in OHS Consultation.
  2. This training must be done as soon as practicable (within 3 months) after the person is first appointed as a member of the OHS Committee or as an OHS Representative.
Sure People Solutions is committed to understanding our clients OH&S requirements, we have the specialised consultants available to assist our clients in understanding their responsibility in delivering a safe working environment for all employees.

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